The newest file downloads in The Origami Source (newest listed first).
wicked spike module

Wicked Spike Module [pdf]

Price: $1.00
Leafhopper 1.1 Ryan Welsh

Leafhopper 1.1 [pdf]

Price: $3.00
Kiwi Ryan Welsh

Kiwi [pdf]

Price: $1.50
super cootie catcher

Super Cootie Catcher [pdf]

Price: $1.00
Origami Penguin

Origami Penguin [pdf]

Price: $5.00
Dolphin 1.3

Diagrams: Dolphin 1.3 [pdf]

Price: $3.00
Butterfly 2.3

Diagrams: Butterfly 2.3 [pdf]

Price: $5.00
Pelican 1.2

Diagrams: Pelican 1.2 [pdf]

Price: $3.00
Traditional Crane

Diagrams: Traditional Crane [pdf]

Price: $1.00
